Janssen Supply Chain Ireland won the Chambers Ireland 2013 CSR award for Excellence in the Community category. This award was related to the “Message in a Bottle” initiative which Janssen supports through the Carrigaline & District Lions Club. This program encourages people, especially those living alone, to keep relevant medical details in a bottle in their fridge so as to provide appropriate medical treatment information in the event of an emergency. Janssen continues to support the Carrigaline Lions club in bringing this program to the community.

Pictured left to right are Phil Hogan – Minister for the Environment; Pat Allen and Nicola Sheehan accepting the award on behalf of Janssen; Kyran Johnson – GM Janssen; Ian Talbot – CEO Chambers Ireland. Special thanks goes to the team at Jannsen who have helped this initiative, particularly, Pat Allen, Nicola Sheehan, Eileen Triggs, Ger O’Brien, Anne Canniffe, the EHS Team and Fit4Life team.

Pictured above are Brian Thoma – President Carrigaline Lions club; Michael Clince – Lions club Coordinator for “Message in a bottle”; Kyran Johnson – GM Janssen; Anne Cassin – RTE; Liam Lyons – District Governor Lions Clubs Ireland; Pat Allen – Janssen and Nicola Sheehan – Janssen.
A new promotional video has been launched to promote the Lions Club “Message In A Bottle” scheme which has been very successful. Thousands of bottles have been distributed through local pharmacies and businesses in Carrigaline.
The club is grateful to Janssen who are sponsoring the Scheme. For more information see here.
Carrigaline & District Lions Club made a donation of Information & Reference books concerning Mental Health & Depression to Carrigaline Library recently. Pictured at Carrigaline Library, were from left, David Treacy, Librarian; Colm O’Rourke, President, Carrigaline & District Lions Club and Lions Club Member, Patrick Coughlan, Project Co-Ordinator. (Picture: Adrian O’Herlihy)
As part of it’s ongoing commitment to the area of mental health and well being, Carrigaline and District Lions Club made a presentation of books to the public library in Carrigaline. The books cover topics relating to mental health and general well-being including protection against cancer and other illnesses. The books are part of a larger section in the library on health related matters and are available to read at the library or to borrow. They provide valuable insights into various conditions, treatments and coping mechanisms. Librarian David Treacy was delighted to receive the books and commented that they form part of a larger body of work which is very much in demand. The donation of the books was the brainchild of Lion Patrick Coughlan who organized the event and follows on from a donation by the Lions Club of similar titles to Carrigaline Community School earlier this year.
Carrigaline & District Lions Club is all too aware of the rise in the episodes of self harm and suicide that have deeply affected our community. The Club believes that part of the solution to this unfortunate trend is to raise the issue of mental health, to create an awareness of possible solutions and to help people realise that mental health needs can be discussed without embarrassment or fear of being stigmatised or judged for discussing issues facing people of all ages today. It is hoped that the books presented to the library will help to encourage people to discuss the topic of mental health and help to inform the conversation that follows.
Carrigaline & District Lions Club recently presented Carrigaline Community School with a whole range of Information books regarding Mental Health Issues for Teenagers & Young Adults.
Mental health is an area of interest for all the community but not necessarily one which receives the attention and focus that it deserves. It is an area that the Lions Clubs of Ireland have taken an interest in through the support of the “Assist Program” and other ventures. Mental health difficulties give rise to episodes of self harm and unfortunately in some cases to suicide. More people die in Ireland each year through suicide than die on our roads. Road safety, rightly, has a high profile but issues relating to mental health have not achieved the same prominence.
At a local level Carrigaline and District Lions Club is committed to raising the profile of mental health issues, the difficulties that can arise for each of us and the fact that help is available. No problem can be solved unless it is discussed and we as a club want to let people know that mental health issues can be discussed discretely and without embarrassment or stigma. People need to be informed so that they can understand the issues that may arise for themselves, their family, friends and others in the community. As a step in that process the Lions Club have made a presentation of books dealing with issues relating to mental health to the guidance counselors at Carrigaline Community School. They will use the books in their work with the students and will make them available to them. A similar collection of books is being presented to the public library in Carrigaline and will be available to the community at large. In addition to presenting the books to the school, the Lions Club made a presentation to a group of students on the topic of mental health and self harm. The issue of suicide is a particular problem for the 15 to 30 age group and especially amongst young men. The speakers lead by Lion Patrick Coughlan, emphasized the importance of looking for support and sharing problems, they spoke about the difference between perception and reality and the importance of listening to others when they want to talk. The presentation was well received and there will be continuing contact between the club and the school.
Pictured are from left, Katie Murphy, Guidance Counsellor, CCS ; John Hourihane, Principal, CCS ; Colm O’Rourke, President, Carrigaline & District Lions Club ; Patrick Coughlan, Lions Club Project Co-Ordinator ; Niamh O’Mullane, CCS Students Council and AnnMarie O’Riordan, Guidance Counsellor, CCS.
(Picture: Adrian O’Herlihy)

Carrigaline and District Lions Club have launched a new initiative in Carrigaline called “Message in a Bottle” which could help save lives. This scheme is already being operated successfully in other parts of the country and is fully supported by the emergency services. It involves writing your medical details onto a form which is put into a plastic bottle and placed in your fridge. A label, included in the bottle is then stuck on the door to indicate that the information is available. Fire and ambulance services are aware of the scheme and they will immediately be able to recover the vital medical details from the fridge in the event of an emergency call.
The scheme should be of particular benefit to older people, those living alone or people having life threatening conditions/allergies. Bottles are available free of charge from various locations. Further details can be found here and a sample form for medical details can be downloaded here. We would like to thank Janssen in Ringaskiddy for their kind sponsorship of the scheme.

New Ross Lions Club is sponsoring free Diabetes Screening at the National Ploughing Championships which will be held in New Ross from the 25th to the 27th of September 2012. The screening will take place on stand number R585. Download poster here.
Carrigaline & District Lions Club is sending a group of senior citizens from Carrigaline and surrounding area to Trabolgan Holiday Centre as part of the Lions Clubs of Ireland Annual Senior Citizens Holiday Week. The group left Carrigaline last Friday and and will spend a week in the East Cork holiday centre. Over 700 Seniors from all over Ireland will enjoy the holiday this year and each Lions Club provides funding for the participants from its own area. Members of Carrigaline Lions Club will visit Trabolgan this week to make sure the Carrigaline participants are behaving themselves and to check out the entertainment on offer!

Carrigaline Senior Citizens pictured with some members of Carrigaline & District Lions Club before their departure from Carrigaline Day Care Centre for the Lions Clubs of Ireland Annual Senior Citizens Holiday at Trabolgan in East Cork.
(Picture: Adrian O’Herlihy)
Carrigaline United AFC sponsored by Carrigaline & District Lions Club are through to the all Ireland semi-finals of the Lions Cup. On their journey to the semi-final, Carrigaline have won against Rckmount AFC and teams from Charleville and Ennis. Carrigaline have been fortunate to secure a home draw for the semi-final where they will play a team from Dun Laoghaire. The match will be played at Ballea Park on Sunday April 29th at 2:30pm and all are welcome to attend.
The annual Carrigaline & District Lions Club Dinner was held on Friday 10th February in the Carrigaline Court Hotel and was a resounding success. A crowd of around 100 turned up on the night and a warm atmosphere was enjoyed by all. It was a good gathering for members who were reflecting on the year gone by and also looking forward to plans for the future. Guest of Honour was Lions District Governor of Ireland, Sean Sandford accompanied by his wife Patricia. Lion Eoin Stack won club person of the year, a reflection of his great work on various club activities including the annuak Charity Walk and his efforts to develop the Youth Centre. Eoin’s father, Pat Stack was also a member of the club and was chairman of the housing committee that built houses for the elderly in Carrigaline. The Lions club are looking forward to another active year in 2012 with several major projects already planned including the Fashion Show in March, the Charity Walk from Carrigaline to Crosshaven in May and the inaugural Great Railway Run in September which will be staged along the old railway line from Cork to Carrigaline.
An U15 selection from Carrigaline United will play Charleville in the 2nd round of the Lions 5 nations cup on Tuesday 14th February at 5pm. The match will be held in Ballea Park, Carrigaline. More details on the competition can be found here.